September 2, 2016
Serving Content through Cloudflare network
Cloudflare, is an U.S. company which provides a content delivery network, internet security services, and distributed DNS services. It sits between visitor and Cloudflare user’s hosting provider, acting as a reverse proxy for websites. The use of Cloudflare results in network security, fast page load, availability of sites for mobile.
I’d like to show you how I use DNS service provided by Cloudflare with my domain names. First you have to have a domain name registered and a cloudflare account. Now to add site with cloudflare, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Setup It will take about one minute to scan DNS records of your site.
Step 2: Setup the CNAME, A records for your site | Example: I’m using A records to point to github as I’m using github hosting.
Step 3: Select a free cloudflare plan
Step 4: Change the nameservers to the nameservers provided by cloudflare
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